“Reading Book Study Student,” by ThoroughlyReviewed
Note: this will be an unusually busy travel semester for me. I’ve tried to indicate on the schedule when I will be traveling. Not all of these trips will affect class itself. I’ve tried to minimize cancellations and develop alternative activities for those days I cannot avoid missing. However, traveling might affect my responsiveness to email and so forth. I will strive to answer emails in a timely fashion, but if you do write while I am away from town please allow an extra half day or so before worrying about a lack of response.
Most of the texts we will use in this class are freely available online, or in the course packet (I will give you the password for this zip file in class). See the the policies page for the few texts that must be purchased.
Wednesday, September 6: Introductions
Introduction to the class and to each other
Keyword 1: Reading
Thursday, September 7: Novelties
Monday, September 11: Paper or Plastic?
Wednesday, September 13: Past Futures
Prof. Cordell traveling September 14-16; regular classes
Thursday, September 14: Reading Machines
Friday, September 15: First Blog Post on Your Domains DUE!
Monday, September 18: 17776
Wednesday, September 20: Essay Workshop
Prof. Cordell traveling September 21-24; regular classes
Thursday, September 21: The Library that is the Universe
Friday, September 22: Essay DUE
Interlude: Ready Player One
Monday, September 25: RPO I
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One, 0000 and Level One
Keyword 2: Writing
Wednesday, September 27: Writing as Technology
Thursday, September 28: Writing as Programming as Writing
Monday, October 2: Programmatic Writing I
Browse (choose at least 1 you’d like to discuss in class and get to know it):
Wednesday, October 4: Programmatic Writing II
Thursday, October 5: Internet Famous
Monday, October 9: Holiday—No Class
Wednesday, October 11: It’s Pronounced ‘Gif’
Prof. Cordell traveling October 12-14; early dismissal on Oct. 12
Thursday, October 12: Wikiworld
Monday, October 16: Fake News
Prof. Cordell traveling Oct. 17-21; classes led by Amanda Rust on Oct. 18 & 19
Wednesday, October 18: Wiki assignment workshop
Thursday, October 19: Wiki assignment workshop
Keyword 3: Data
Wednesday, October 25: Don’t Be Evil
Prof. Cordell traveling Oct. 26-29; regular classes
Thursday, October 26: Quantified Selves
- Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec, from Dear Data (find 3 posts you find compelling and bring them with you to class prepared to talk about why)
- Gary Wolf, “The Data-Driven Life”
Friday, October 27: Wiki assignment DUE
Monday, October 30: Data Afterlives
- Owen Harris, “Be Right Back” episode of Black Mirror
Wednesday, November 1: Data Transcendent
Interlude: Ready Player One
Thursday, November 2: RPO II
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One, Level Two
Monday, November 6: Dear (My) Data planning workshop
Prof. Cordell traveling Nov. 8-11; no class Nov. 9
Keyword 4: Attention
Wednesday, November 8: What Gorilla?
- Cathy Davidson, from Now You See It
Thursday, November 9: No class
Monday, November 13: #Unplug
Wednesday, November 15: That’s Uncanny!
Thursday, November 16: OPEN DAY
Friday, November 17: Dear (My) Data Draft Due
Interlude: Ready Player One
Monday, November 20: RPO III
Ernest Cline, Ready Player One, Level Three
Thanksgiving Holiday
Keyword 5: Play
Monday, November 27: This Cake is Great
Wednesday, November 29: Arcade
We’ll play (some of) these in class:
- merritt k, Lim
- Molleindustria, Unmanned
- GOP Arcade, Thoughts and Prayers
- Jordan Magnuson and Kevin MacLeod, Loneliness
- Anna Anthropy, Queers in Love at the End of the World
- Porpentine, Howling Dogs
- ——, With Those We Love Alive
- McKinney, Spent
- Financial Times, The Uber Game
- Zoe Quinn, Patrick Lindsey, and Isaac Schankler, Depression Quest
- Star C. Foster and Daniel Ravipinto, Slouching toward Bedlam
- Jason Nelson, i made this. you play this. we are enemies
Thursday, November 30: Choose Your Own Adventure
Choose one of the following to play. You need to get far enough into the game that you can talk about it in detail during class, so start well in advance of this session:
Monday, December 4: Unessay workshop
Wednesday, December 6: Wikipedia Revisions DUE
Monday, December 11: Dear (My) Data Revisions DUE
Thursday, December 14: Unessay Projects DUE